HomeSelected Talks
Lancaster University: Philosophy of Psychiatry Workshop Day (29 June 2022)
'Anger as a Moral Reactive Attitude to Interpersonal Trauma'
University of Birmingham: Philosophy in Progress Workshop (6 July 2022)
'Non-Volitional Transformative Experience'
Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2022 (7-9 September 2022)
'On the Possibility of a One-Many Body-Person Relation'
University of Maribor: Philosophy Students' Symposium 2022 (15-16 November 2022)
'Non-Volitional Transformative Experiences'
University of Bristol: BIPPA Conference on Women in Ancient Philosophy (4 February 2023)
'How Countercultural was Rabi'a al-Adawiyya? A Feminist and Marxist Perspective'
University of Sheffield: Understanding Value Conference XI (22-24 March 2023)
'Non-Volitional Transformative Experiences'
Siena Heights University: 2023 Great Lakes Philosophy Conference (14-16 April 2023)
'Hegel, Fanon, and Mutual Recognition'
University of Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires Philosophical Perspectives on the Mind Sciences (3-4 May 2023)
'Anger as a Moral Reactive Attitude to Interpersonal Trauma'
University of Haifa: The Consortium of European Research on Emotion (CERE) (21-23 May 2023)
'Transformative Experience and Feelings of Ambiguous Loss'
University of Edinburgh: Postgraduate Bioethics Conference 2023 (12-13 June 2023)
'The Personal and Epistemic Costs of Renting Out Your Womb'
University of Tartu: European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE) (15-17 June 2023)
'Trauma and Feelings of Ambiguous Loss'
University of Oxford: Oxford Global Health and Bioethics International Conference (26-27 June 2023)
'The Personal and Epistemic Costs of Renting Out Your Womb'